Author Blurb

I’m an archetypal Canadian: son of two immigrants (one a refugee), married to a third. I live in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Coast Salish nations. I also know that land acknowledgements aren’t magic spells that instantly make things better.

My professional career has brought me around the clean energy space with an affection for hydrogen. My passion projects have spanned obscure 😉 stageplays and comic book anthologies, and hopefully a religious studies degree in retirement. (And my parenting, hopefully, is passable.)

Life made me a platypus: a quirky misfit who sprawls across categories. Which probably explains my takes. Which you can follow, by subscribing...!

Author Goals

1. Live rant-free in your head: outrage grows audiences, and there are times to be angry.* But I don’t want people turning to me for their weekly “Two Minutes Hate”. I’ll aim for memorable ideas without the anger: mindfulness meditation, not fire-and-brimstone.

2. Bumblebee in the meadow: life is diverse, and so are my interests. I’ll work to write about them in engaging ways. I love seeing symmetries and similarities in different spaces.

3. Religion’s on the table (in a respectful way): I’m awed that religions can transcend countries, cultures, continents; and stories don’t have to be factually accurate to hold timeless truth. If the odd detour into religion makes you uncomfortable, this won’t be the blog for you.

4. Humility is sincerity: I trust self-deprecating people more than people who hype themselves up. I think it’s healthy to poke fun at myself and my minority views – and unhealthy to think everyone else should think, vote, live the way I do.


* e.g., my fury for Elon Musk and Michael Bloomberg burns with the brilliance of a thousand suns. But I’ll try to spare you from it.

Ghost: the non-Substack

Too idealistic for Substack? Ghost's an alternative.